100+ past papers
Maths, English, VR & NVR
Auto marking and immediate results
Ranking with top 10 performers
No credit card required
FREE subscription when you sign up
An easy, effective and efficient exam preparation platform exclusively made for primary and secondary entrance examinations of grammar and independent schools.
Paperless exam platform
Less printer ink is used
Uses substantially fewer natural resources
Manage pupil(s) account
Track pupil(s) exam performance
Analyse and compare pupil(s) performance
Take available exams
Alaysle & compare exam results
Multiple attempts - Retake exams
Multiple choice & Fill in the blanks
Short answer questions
True/False questions
Score, rank & percentage
Correct/Incorrect/Unattended questions
Compare exam with toppers
Answers to individual questions
Report by subjects and topics
Retake exams
100+ past papers
Maths, English, VR & NVR
Auto marking and immediate results
Ranking with top 10 performers
No credit card required
FREE subscription when you sign up
Everything from FREE
Access to Questions & Answers
Detailed solutions
Retake exams
FREE cancellation any time
Every user is added with a FREE subscription when they sign up. All past papers and demo exams are FREE to use in eMock platform.
eMock Prime subscription let you access to practice papers. eMock prime subscription also let you access to detailed answers and solutions to past papers and practice papers.
You can get a subscription or credit depending on your need. Subscription will let you access to all past paper/ practice paper exams and solutions from the month you add subscription. Credit will let you unlock individual exam paper solutions.
Mock Exams are booked separately. Prime Subscription will not give access to Mock Exams.
Create a parent account in eMock. Choose a credit pack from the pricing menu and buy this credit pack.
Yes. The larger quantity pack is your greatest cost savings.
Click here to see the credit packs.
Unused credits expire after 12 months from the date of purchased.
We are providing 6 FREE Mock exams (8 papers in total) this year. The details of the mock exams are:
The results are available immediately with a detailed topic wise report with solutions for incorrect and unattended questions. All free exams are automatically added to your account.
Please book the mock exams from our booking page. All free exams are added automatically to your account.
Our booking page:
All our paid exams are priced £20 each. Currently we are providing an offer!
Spend £40 Get £10 Off
Great platform. Easy to use. Since I joined eMock, I don't need to print past papers. Solutions/explanation for answers also provided which is extremely helpful. Highly recommended.
Beautifully designed online exam interface. I have created an account and my son has taken a few online exams. It is very user friendly and self explanatory.
This is a really useful platform for 11+ preparation. The "Toolbox" is a very clever tool making all the questions easy to answer.
Awesome platform. I started using the eMock FREE subscription and then upgraded to the Prime subscription after a day because I wanted my daughter to retake the past papers and access the Mock Exams.